Wednesday, September 5, 2012

For my baby sister, Mckenna June

You think you are ok and doing great on your own! Then you get a little voicemail from your baby sister and you instantly break down. Family is so important and I am so blessed to have the family that I do!

Dear Little Mckenna,

   I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. I was so sure that you were going to be a girl! The angels told me from the day I found out Mom was going to have you. No one believed me and everyone told me not to get my hopes up. But I knew! I was staying at Grammy and Grandpa's house and they woke me up to go meet you at the hospital! I literally ran into the room with so much excitement! Mom looked and me and said "I want you to meet your new little sister, Mckenna" I remember the first time I held you. You were and ARE so beautiful!! I can't even begin to tell you how much I have loved you from the first moment I saw you. When you had that accident where you stopped breathing, it scared me to death. I had the hardest time sleeping and I couldn't eat anything because I was so worried about you! I made a promise with God that if he brought you home safely, I would try to be the best big sister I could be, and I would always protect you! I remember you coming through the front door. I leaped to you! I was so happy you were alright! I never wanted to let you go. You are so amazing Kenna! You are so kind and gentle, but you know how to put up a good fight! ;) You make me so proud to say that you are MY little sister! You are my little princess and I will always be here for you forever and for always! Life isn't easy. There are so many roads ahead of you and so many exciting things that will happen! I want you to know that I will always be there for you! Every tear, every heartbreak, I will be there even if its over the phone! And do you know who else will always be there?? Our big brother Jesus :) Whenever I feel sad or alone, I just start talking to him and he always listens! He will always listen to you and be there to help you :) I love you so much my little princess :) You are beautiful!! (Why do you think you have always been my favorite model?? <3)

Love Always and Forever,
Your big sis <3

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Never Alone

Last night I was so excited to see all my roommates come home! It felt like home again seeing all their faces! Unfortunately as the time passed, the tensions got high due to the late hour. Everyone was in a bad mood and it became difficult to talk to anyone. I went to my room feeling so bad and upset and absolutely ready to break down. I said a prayer in my heart hoping for some kind of comfort. I closed the door, turned off the light, and crawled into my bed. Literally seconds after, I hear my door creek open, and little Ray's face appear. She smiled at me and came and crawled into my bed and we just sat there talking and crying for hours. It felt like old times when we were younger and first became best friends. We went to EFY together for the first time and that very first night I crawled into her bed with her and we would talk and laugh until we both fell asleep. She is such a blessing in my life. We have stayed friends through countless experiences where we should have otherwise not. I love you Rachel :) I'll always be here no matter what :) "Friendship is the comfort that comes from knowing that even when you feel alone, you aren't"

Bike Rides and BBQ's

My wonderful parents surprised me with a bike the day I moved out! It is a beautiful yellow beach cruiser! So Tati and I had the wonderful idea to have one person sit on the seat and steer and the other to sit on the back of the bike on a little flat piece above the wheel. At first it was working brilliantly! All down hill baby :) We even stopped at a stop light all professional like! But when it came time to turn around, we quickly realized that there was more up hill then we first assumed. So we went from looking super cute on our little bike passing the football field to panting, sweating, and swurving all over the road! We finally made it to a park and took some time to lay in the grass and swing in the breeze :) Although it turned out to be more difficult than relaxing, we quite enjoyed our little 2 hour bike ride together! :)

Then after coming back and trying to wipe off some of the sweat, some awesome Polynesians that live next door to Cassey and Tati invited us to join them at their BBQ. We all three went and enjoyed the good company and the fantastic grill! We have pretty awesome neighbors :)
                                   They definitely had no clue that I took this ;)

Monday, September 3, 2012

"I am His Daughter"

This is probably some of my favorite time with Rachel! We go to the club house and I play "I am His Daughter" and Rachel will sing :) I love her so much! We have had our ups and downs but we have had some incredible moments down here at Snow! :) Enjoy! (P.S. half way through I get attacked by a fly so that's why I stop for a second)

Why Women Do NOT Build!

I finally got it up!! This was a couple weeks in to living here and Milinda and Rachel decided they needed some shelves for their bathroom due to so much stuff! Rachel was building something that goes for the toilet and Milinda was supposed to put up a shelf by the sinks. I was sitting there and all of a sudden I hear a million BANGG BANG BANGS on the wall! I thought the wall was going to come down! I hear a couple of choiced words and " LEXX!!! GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW YOU ARE HELPING ME DO THIS!!" Haha I could not help her but I did take some secret footage ;) I wish there could have been more to see but I think Its hilarious! I love this girl so much!! She is my sister from another Mister! ;) Enjoy! :)

Late night of FUN with Tatiana! :)

Well it finally happened. I have found someone who will watch the tv show Bones with me and love it as much as I do!!
So last night, Cassey left Tati and I to go camping with some cowboys (can you blame her?!) and all of the other roommates are still gone for Labor Day. Next door to us here at A4 live some very nice Hawaiins who were adore! However...they never like to leave! So we locked the back door and turned the tv down really low so they would think we were asleep...We really are nice!! We just weren't in the mood to socialize.
So we Skype with my bestest friend ever Emily Pipe! I love her to death...And we skyped until my laptop died. Then Tati and I decide to "facebook stalk" many different people and we stayed up till about 2 AM just telling each other tons of stories and laughing it up!
Then it's almost three and we decide to watch Bones!! I can't even tell you how happy that made me! I hadn't watched Bones in weeks and it was killing me! So we watched Bones for a couple more hours and it was so awesome! I know I know I'm a nerd...But I can't deny my love for it :)
Tati is so freaking amazing! I could sit and talk to her for hours! (literally) And I know I could tell her anything! Well thats about it for my rambling on about last night...Happy Labor Day everyone!! Love and miss you all tons!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sleepover Time!

Sleep over with Cassie and Tati!! :) All my roommates left me for Labor day weekend...And my best friend Jevin came and visited me (love him!) so he is staying in my apartment while I stay here :) We have we too much fun sometimes ;)