Thursday, August 30, 2012

First Entry

Do to many loved ones always curious to know what I am up to, I have decided to create a blog all about my adventures at college! So I guess you can consider this to my first entry.

I moved down to Snow College in Ephraim about 3 weeks ago. I moved down here with two of my dearest friends. My cousin Milinda and my best friend Rachel. I have had the privilage to get to know my roommate Sara Wilde very well. Let me just say I was very lucky to be placed with her! She is the sweetest girl I know!! I like to think she is the "PeaceKeeper" of the apartment! She never lets one mean word out of her mouth and is always looking out for us. Rachel and Milinda are my parents down here at Snow. They keep the house clean (although it gets to easily trashed), watch out for me, lecture me, and love me. :) They are two amazing girls and I could never ask for better! That is my basic life as thus far. I will try and post on here as often as I can and maybe I'll figure out how to put up some pictures! I love and miss you all!



  1. Sounds like college life is off to a great start. I miss you of course but I'm am so happy that you are making new awesome friends and cherishing your besties. I am always proud of you and love you more than words can express. Kenna and joey are begging to come see your apartment and you!!!

    1. Thanks mom!! :) I would love for you guys to come visit me! And see Joey and Kenna! Tell them I love and miss them so much :)I love you mom!

  2. love you girl! so excited for your adventure to start!

    1. EMM!!! I miss you so freakin much!! Guess who might be in Cedar tonight!!! :):)
