Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bike Rides and BBQ's

My wonderful parents surprised me with a bike the day I moved out! It is a beautiful yellow beach cruiser! So Tati and I had the wonderful idea to have one person sit on the seat and steer and the other to sit on the back of the bike on a little flat piece above the wheel. At first it was working brilliantly! All down hill baby :) We even stopped at a stop light all professional like! But when it came time to turn around, we quickly realized that there was more up hill then we first assumed. So we went from looking super cute on our little bike passing the football field to panting, sweating, and swurving all over the road! We finally made it to a park and took some time to lay in the grass and swing in the breeze :) Although it turned out to be more difficult than relaxing, we quite enjoyed our little 2 hour bike ride together! :)

Then after coming back and trying to wipe off some of the sweat, some awesome Polynesians that live next door to Cassey and Tati invited us to join them at their BBQ. We all three went and enjoyed the good company and the fantastic grill! We have pretty awesome neighbors :)
                                   They definitely had no clue that I took this ;)

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