Monday, September 3, 2012

Late night of FUN with Tatiana! :)

Well it finally happened. I have found someone who will watch the tv show Bones with me and love it as much as I do!!
So last night, Cassey left Tati and I to go camping with some cowboys (can you blame her?!) and all of the other roommates are still gone for Labor Day. Next door to us here at A4 live some very nice Hawaiins who were adore! However...they never like to leave! So we locked the back door and turned the tv down really low so they would think we were asleep...We really are nice!! We just weren't in the mood to socialize.
So we Skype with my bestest friend ever Emily Pipe! I love her to death...And we skyped until my laptop died. Then Tati and I decide to "facebook stalk" many different people and we stayed up till about 2 AM just telling each other tons of stories and laughing it up!
Then it's almost three and we decide to watch Bones!! I can't even tell you how happy that made me! I hadn't watched Bones in weeks and it was killing me! So we watched Bones for a couple more hours and it was so awesome! I know I know I'm a nerd...But I can't deny my love for it :)
Tati is so freaking amazing! I could sit and talk to her for hours! (literally) And I know I could tell her anything! Well thats about it for my rambling on about last night...Happy Labor Day everyone!! Love and miss you all tons!

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