Wednesday, September 5, 2012

For my baby sister, Mckenna June

You think you are ok and doing great on your own! Then you get a little voicemail from your baby sister and you instantly break down. Family is so important and I am so blessed to have the family that I do!

Dear Little Mckenna,

   I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. I was so sure that you were going to be a girl! The angels told me from the day I found out Mom was going to have you. No one believed me and everyone told me not to get my hopes up. But I knew! I was staying at Grammy and Grandpa's house and they woke me up to go meet you at the hospital! I literally ran into the room with so much excitement! Mom looked and me and said "I want you to meet your new little sister, Mckenna" I remember the first time I held you. You were and ARE so beautiful!! I can't even begin to tell you how much I have loved you from the first moment I saw you. When you had that accident where you stopped breathing, it scared me to death. I had the hardest time sleeping and I couldn't eat anything because I was so worried about you! I made a promise with God that if he brought you home safely, I would try to be the best big sister I could be, and I would always protect you! I remember you coming through the front door. I leaped to you! I was so happy you were alright! I never wanted to let you go. You are so amazing Kenna! You are so kind and gentle, but you know how to put up a good fight! ;) You make me so proud to say that you are MY little sister! You are my little princess and I will always be here for you forever and for always! Life isn't easy. There are so many roads ahead of you and so many exciting things that will happen! I want you to know that I will always be there for you! Every tear, every heartbreak, I will be there even if its over the phone! And do you know who else will always be there?? Our big brother Jesus :) Whenever I feel sad or alone, I just start talking to him and he always listens! He will always listen to you and be there to help you :) I love you so much my little princess :) You are beautiful!! (Why do you think you have always been my favorite model?? <3)

Love Always and Forever,
Your big sis <3

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