Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Never Alone

Last night I was so excited to see all my roommates come home! It felt like home again seeing all their faces! Unfortunately as the time passed, the tensions got high due to the late hour. Everyone was in a bad mood and it became difficult to talk to anyone. I went to my room feeling so bad and upset and absolutely ready to break down. I said a prayer in my heart hoping for some kind of comfort. I closed the door, turned off the light, and crawled into my bed. Literally seconds after, I hear my door creek open, and little Ray's face appear. She smiled at me and came and crawled into my bed and we just sat there talking and crying for hours. It felt like old times when we were younger and first became best friends. We went to EFY together for the first time and that very first night I crawled into her bed with her and we would talk and laugh until we both fell asleep. She is such a blessing in my life. We have stayed friends through countless experiences where we should have otherwise not. I love you Rachel :) I'll always be here no matter what :) "Friendship is the comfort that comes from knowing that even when you feel alone, you aren't"

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